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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Painting and Sculpting Tiki on the iPad and other crazy stuff

Post #680023 by Gene S Morgan on Wed, May 29, 2013 8:16 PM

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It took me long enough, but now I will discuss the way most people draw. Most folks just draw lines and make them look like something. Sounds easy and it can be if you stick to a simple cartoon style, I need some palm trees so I draw some lines ….

Like a coloring book you just fill in the color. With digital there is an easy tool for that surprisingly called the fill tool. You tap inside the shape and as long as it is closed with no holes, it will fill it in with whatever color you want. And some people think this art stuff is difficult.

Some lines and it does look kinda like some sorta tropical leaves. Squint and use your imagination and you might see it.

Using the basic method I came up with a palm tree … sort of like. I tried a little harder and got a somewhat better look. The trunk was created the same way and then I did some shading and texturing, It's digital, so it was easy at that point to copy, move, flip, resize … ending up a couple of fairly good stylized palms.

Some extra texture on the trunks and some shaping to the leaves. Not the Mona Lisa of palm trees, but close enough for my use.