Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / The Gator Hut & Lori's Tiki Bar - concrete Moia page4
Post #681335 by LoriLovesTiki on Sun, Jun 9, 2013 6:46 PM
Sun, Jun 9, 2013 6:46 PM
My very talented and loving husband built an addition to Lori's Tiki Bar and I am THRILLED with it! We discovered some problems last season - 1) when standing behind the bar the bartender got baked like he/she was in the oven and 2) the neighbors behind us had a bird's eye view into our bar (and us them as well) which only got worse when Super Storm Sandy took down one of their big trees. So we planted 3 large Leland Cyprus trees on our side of the fence and built a back bar, which is pretty much done. Any questions, let me know. The backside of the back bar is covered in an artificial weave. (Which apparently I have no pictures of, I'll get on that.) :) [ Edited by: lorilovestiki 2013-06-09 19:00 ] [ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2013-06-10 07:23 ] |