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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Any ideas of what to do with a bunch of spiced rum?

Post #685750 by SoCal Savage on Sat, Jul 13, 2013 2:10 PM

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Besides the obvious answer of "Pour it down the drain and make lamps out of the bottles..."

I have a lot of well meaning friends who, when they come over to my home bar/lounge, bring a bottle of rum as a present. Unfortunately this has led to me now having a small shelf full of various Liquor store brand spiced rums including Cpt Morgan "Tattoo" Cpt Morgan "Private Stock" and Bacardi "Oakheart". I think I've convinced my friends to stop bringing these well meaning gifts over, but I do a very traditional drink menu using Remixed and the Grog log and I can't find any use for these (lower rent) spiced Puerto Rican rums and I refuse to use them as substitutes in traditional drinks. Has anyone every made a punch of some kind using this type of stuff or am I going to have to make some lamps?

[ Edited by: SoCal Savage 2013-07-13 14:13 ]