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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / A Taiaha by me...

Post #69248 by Benzart on 01/13/2004

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Benzart posted on 01/13/2004

I didn't know much about what I was doing then. I met Charles while cutting trees up for a land clearing company one day.
I saw this big guy walking up and doun the street in front of our work site. Finally I went over and asked what I could help him with. He seemed very shy and asked if we were throwing away the Sea Grape trees we were cutting up.
I said yes and to help himself and what size would you like,I'll cut it up.
He grinned and said he wanted it all but would settle for a trunk full .I said "You are a Maori aren't you?.
He said yes how did you know.
"You look Polynesian and have the British Accent"
Anyway he wanted the wood for drums and ended up showing me how they were made.
Interesting man.
Pardon me I rattle on too much.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-01-13 10:14 ]