Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Munktiki letting you choose the colors you want. What do you think?
Post #693315 by lunavideogames on Thu, Sep 12, 2013 1:09 PM
Thu, Sep 12, 2013 1:09 PM
Munktiki lately has been letting you choose the color you would like your mug to be. Then they custom make your mug and ship it to you. Like in this picture for their latest Trader Vic mug. As I am sure many of you know, with many new mugs you purchase the mug and in the description line you write out what color you would like your mug to be. They are doing this (I assume)to cut down on mugs that don't get purchased, so that they have less waste and only sell the mugs customers want. So your mug is made to order, and shipped to you when it is ready which seems like a couple weeks from my experience. My concerns are: That the wait time is getting longer on the mugs. That everyone might get the exact same colored mugs (Raw Lava being popular) which may in the future decrease the value of the mugs. I have no problem waiting a bit longer for the mugs, I am patient and Munktiki always comes through. Also I fully understand that this will be a way for them to make more profits and cut down on their losses, which I fully support. I do love Munktiki mugs and I will continue to purchase them no matter what. In no way am I trying to bash them by this post, I was just wondering what other peoples opinions would be on this topic. |