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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Best Martinique Rum?

Post #695213 by lunavideogames on Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:41 PM

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I did find a bottle of the St James Vieux at Cap n Cork in Hollywood. I didn't have a chance to try it in any drinks, but I did have a sip. So now I have 3 Martinique rums in my collection. So I can finally start to grade them on my tastes.

On 2013-09-21 15:43, TropicDrinkBoy wrote:
Sunny&Rummy, I am a bit confused regarding the difference between St. James Rhum Vieux and St. James Hors D'Age. The bottle pictured in this post came in the adjacent black box that states Rhum Vieux and has no mention of Hors D'Age. The bottle is clearly Hors D'Age as the top arch label states so while the bottom label states "Rhum Vieux Agricole". I know it's Hors D'Age because I have three other bottles in my inventory that I bought at other retailers and they are identical.

Then again, the St. James web site indicates that "Rhum Vieux" is a separate product and only available in Martinique. They even suggest drinking it with Coke!!! What a waste! I've had "St. James Extra Old". Maybe that's the same as "Rhum Vieux". Both have "Rhum Vieux Agricole" on their lower labels while the Royal Amber product states "Rhum Agricole Rum".

Looks like my St James is the same. Vieux on the box and Hors D'Age on the bottle. IDK if we will ever find an answer to that question...

So just as far as sipping these at room temperature with no ice, here is my judgment call.

1 - Clement VSOP - It was smooth and didn't have much burn to it.
2 - St James Vieux - Went down smooth but had quite a burn to it, but wouldn't keep me away from sipping it again.
3 - Neisson Eleve Sous Bois - Strong alcohol taste and a big burn. I won't be sipping it anytime soon.

Clement was the cheapest of the three and St James was the most expensive. As far as best value goes, Clement wins it all the way. I will try to make drinks with them, seems like Mai Tais are more popular than Navy Grogs, so I will experiment with them to start. I will also try them all again cut with Appleton as well.

Strange, I know I tried Clement a few times at Tiki Oasis this last year and I didn't think much of it. I guess it was the drinks I didn't like or possibly it was the fact that I had been drinking rum for 5 days straight that made it less appealing. I could have just confused it with another drink too I guess. But here is what I tried...

This weekend I am having friends over. I might try to get everyone to pitch in on that bottle of Clement XO. I am very curious to try it.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-10-03 12:26 ]