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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / A Spiritous Journey through Remixed - From the Astro Aku Aku to the Zadaran Storm

Post #698336 by Sunny&Rummy on Sun, Nov 3, 2013 5:30 PM

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Good luck on this challenging endeavor!

I'll play along tonight. I have an Astro Aku Aku in hand, served up in a big snifter with plenty of ice. Used Goya and Kern's for the papaya and apricot nectars (only choice in town pretty much), homemade Falernum (little more ginger and clove bite than Taylor's), Flor de Caña 4 for for the gold Spanish style and LH151.

I really like this one and find it to be very easy drinking despite the big dose of 151 Demerara. The 1.5 oz. of lime sounds like a lot but it is balanced by the generous 0.75 oz of sugar syrup (I used cane syrup instead of simple). I agree that the individual flavors of the juices get a bit lost, but sipping each of the juices on their own I find they are both really mild and I think even if you doubled the amounts they wouldn't punch through. That said, doubling or even tripling the papaya and apricot nectars might make this an interesting luau-style long drink. I think my biggest complaint with this drink is now I am not sure what to do with the rest of the cans of papaya and apricot juice I had to open up! :) There are scads of Zombie recipes in djmont's Zombie tome so maybe there are a couple of obscure Zombies in my near future.

I think a neat thing to do as you move on through Remixed would be to compare the recipes to the original Grog Log and Intoxica versions, noting where changes were made and commenting on whether you think the changes were for the better. With just a couple notable exceptions, I think the updated recipes do improve the drinks. No changes with the Astro Aku Aku.

I have yet to figure out why Jeff left Grog Log drink #1 (his Ancient Mariner) out of Remixed. I know he decided some drinks were not up to snuff for Remixed, but I really like this one — albeit I have to cut the amount of pimento dram in half so it doesn't overpower everything else. Going to spin this one up now to toast your grand mixing adventure!