Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / A Spiritous Journey through Remixed - From the Astro Aku Aku to the Zadaran Storm
Post #702577 by Sunny&Rummy on Thu, Dec 19, 2013 2:48 PM
Thu, Dec 19, 2013 2:48 PM
So far I have only used the 3 rum Grog Log/Tiki+ recipe, but I love this drink. I typically ise ED5, Coruba, and LH151. Important to note that the Grog Log version calls for a full ounce of honey, not honey mix and I think that extra honey makes a huge difference in this drink. If you use honey mix use a rich 2:1 honey mix rather than the 1:1. For me, "a few pineapple chunks = up to a couple of rings. Like Ace I usually do this drink when I have fresh pineapple to use and a pineapple shell to serve it in, and I'm sure the fresh pineapple improves the drink. I often scratch my head at the small club soda additions as well (I do the same with Navy Grogs and Rum Barrels). As often as not I'll just leave the club soda out. I would definately say mix this up again with the three rums, a full ounce of honey, and skip the soda and see what you think. |