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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Wendy Cevola - 01/10/2025. I've begun a Wish List painting on black velvet for Todd Locker.

Post #712836 by danlovestikis on Wed, Apr 2, 2014 8:37 AM

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LoriLovesTiki thanks so much Lori. I've been hanging out here with so many men its good to have a woman pop up again. Where's Vamp?

TikiHula I love the inside joke. May your spit return because we will start glazing on Saturday!

muskrat terrific. I'll be watching for your post today.


On April Fools Day Dan told me he was going to only shave half of his face from now on. NOT!

Tiki Hula said he'd eat his whole meal all at once NOT!

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE stuck on tikis and loving it!

Yesterday I opened the molds for the last two Sacramento Crawl mugs that I needed to make.

I'm half way through the run of Fogcutter mugs that I need to pour for Tiki Atari's kickstarter project.

I cleaned up and re-carved the two crawl mugs as usual and

put them on the shelf to dry. It's wonderful to be so far ahead of schedule this year. I plan to have a relaxed summer.

I went back into the house and cleaned up the nook room.

I separated out all the Wish List projects from everything else I have made along the way.

I got set up to start glazing Wish List #4.

Then in the afternoon we poured the fogcutter mug and four Bob's. I'll stock pile Bob's for some future time.


Awhile back when I needed a Rat Fink model kingstiedye brought me many. Most of them were missing their noses.
I told him I would repair them. Since tikis break too I'll show you how Dan and I fixed this one.

This shows two of them with the noses broken off.

To make the nose stay on I needed something to stick the nose onto. So I put some industrial strength cement on the tip of the nose and hung him upside down to make it elongate.

Dan found a drill bit the right size.

I held the nose in place while he drilled.

Once the hole was the size of the cement drip we stopped.

I added cement into the nose with a toothpick.

I stuck it on and used tape to hold it in place.

I mixed these two paint colors together and

painted around the nose.

kingstiedye its ready to pick up, come for another visit.


Time to get back to work, cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-04-02 09:05 ]