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Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana / Happy Birthday Atomic Tiki Punk 4/3!

Post #712985 by Atomic Tiki Punk on Thu, Apr 3, 2014 10:17 PM

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King Bushwich the 33rd, Thanks buddy for the B-Day greetings & since you met my demands I will
now release your wife & children unharmed.

JOHN-O, Jungle Ginger has read everyone of those Facebook Birthday greetings 3 times now
I think twice more will be enough.......for today, Thanks to all of you "Facebook Traitors" to Tiki Central
for the sweet greetings and I will make a point of satisfying each & everyone of you sexually.

tikilongbeach, Your photo made me laugh, but I am pretty sure Bela Lugosi hated Boris Karloff
so I wouldn't trust what was in that cake, which is why Basil Rathbone is there......

danlovestikis, Wendy, I may be a bit wiser because I have somehow managed not to piss you off, like
everyone else on Tiki Central, Big Hugs back to you!

hang10tiki, Jon those "Photoshop" lessons are helping, keep up the good work
And thanks so much for the Kona Lanes ashtrays, I will post a pic in the Kona Lanes thread!!!!

TikiTacky, your no Sylvia Plath, but that's a good thing, thanks for the greetings
and I hope your enjoying the new Marijuana laws in Colorado!

bamalamalu, Cheers to you too, but you still owe me money for that thing, you know that "thing"...