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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / Ki'o wai Lounge (bar construction page 3)

Post #714720 by jimsflies on Thu, Apr 24, 2014 7:36 AM

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Now that its finally warming up, time to turn my attention back to the KioWai Lounge to continue with the build I started last summer. The good news is, I don't see any ill effects from winter's weather on the bar. Although I am sure the bananas are goners. Being new plants and given that are temps were below zero a couple weeks this winter, I don't expect to see any life coming from the little nubs left in the ground from last year's plants.

One of the things I definitely need to address is seating... if anyone has some ideas for inexpensive/durable bar stools that fit the part, I would like to hear from you. I'm up for building them as well ...provided I don't have to be a finished carpenter to pull it off.

Other goals are to redo/finish the backbar area, add a refrigerator, and run permanent electricity.

I'm also on the look out for some inexpensive tikis in the 2 to 6-foot range to fill in around the lounge and pool. Its unfortunate that tiki is non-existent in Michigan. Most I find are unwilling to ship or it is cost prohibitive to ship.

[ Edited by: jimsflies 2014-04-24 07:38 ]