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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Wild and Not So Wild World

Post #715241 by komohana on Mon, Apr 28, 2014 8:24 PM

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On 2014-04-28 18:41, MadDogMike wrote:
I took a Zoology class in college that had bird watching as part of it’s curriculum so I have paid attention to birds ever since. I have often thought about photo-documenting the birds of my area but the Imperial Valley is in a major migratory pathway and we have hundreds of bird species here. So I narrowed down the scope of my project by doing the birds I could find in one month (April) in the one square mile around my house. I came up with 35 species photographed and another 3 spotted but not photographed

One square mile with my house in the middle. Grass farmland, a hay compress, a small wetland, and some tumbleweed scrub area.

American Coot. They take off flying by running across the water

Anna’s Hummingbird (female)

Bank Swallow

Black Crowned Night Heron

Black Necked Stilt

Black Phoebe

Blue Winged Teal (not a great picture)

Boat Tailed Grackle

Brewer’s Blackbird

Burrowing Owl, with his burrow mate behind him

Cactus Wren (he wouldn’t come out in the sun for a better pic)

Cattle Egret

pair of Cinnamon Teals

Cliff Swallow

Common Yellowthroat

Desert Great Horned Owl (best pic I could get at night)

Eurasian Collared Dove

European Starling

Gambel’s Quail

Glossy Ibis

Great Egret

House Sparrow


pair of Mallards

Mourning Dove

Northern Mockingbird

Red Tailed Hawk

Red Winged Blackbird

Ring Neck Pheasant – this bird was standing gloriously in the morning sun when I drove past. By the time I stopped and got the camera he was almost gone!

Roadrunner with lizard

Rock Doves or Pigeons

Turkey Vulture

Western Kingbird

Western Meadowlark


Birds seen but unable to photograph:
American Bittern
Belted Kingfisher
Rufus Crowned Sparrow

Outstanding work Mike!!