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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Vamp's Ergonomic Study for Carvers (survey available, just pm me your email address)

Post #718056 by 4WDtiki on Fri, May 23, 2014 10:43 PM

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Way cool, Marlene!
I'll be part of the program! Please include me in your survey.

I saw Jeff's post on facebook that apparently motivated you to do this.
Even though I don't hurt myself as much as him :wink:, I do know that I do a lot of things "wrong".
I carve in a very primitive way, with the log laying flat on the ground, and me either crouching over it, sitting on it, or sitting on a milk crate or cinder block for a seat.
Then throw in an uneven floor, a ceiling height that's lower than I am tall, power tools with the safety guards removed, sharp chisels, a chainsaw...it's a wonder I'm still alive!

I may be one (far) end of the spectrum, and I do know a couple carvers who work on a standard height workbench, with their work securely clamped down, and wear proper safety gear, in a well-lit and ventilated shop, who would be the other end of the spectrum, but most carvers that I know are closer to me. I'd bet we all 'know' how we should be doing things, but for various reasons, we don't.

I think the root of the problem is the shape of a basic Tiki, cylindrical. Hard to secure, tends to roll, and needs to be worked on from all angles (360). Then, if it's bigger than a couple feet tall, it will have substantial weight which adds to the problems.

Here's a pic of me in my workspace. Let me know if you see anything wrong. :wink: