Joined: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 3978
Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Working up some more sketches for up coming projects, had a hard time though… the 'ol art wasn't flowing like I wanted it to…. needs more practice.

Working on an idea… just at the idea stage here…something is wrong with his head for sure!

After I warmed up a bit, this side view came out better. I think this "Token Tiki" could be on his knees? Maybe…
Then, I had this weird dream last night, and this one image was stuck in my head so I had to get it down on a paper.

I was listening to the Stray Cats yesterday, so the "Don't cross my path" phrase was in my head.
Then, I had a dream about the Night Marchers (Local Hawaiian Ghosts) and how a friend of mine sez her house is right on one of the
"Paths" of the Night Marchers, So she does these "precautions" to keep every thing pono in her house.
Anyway's, The phrase "A black cat crossing the Path of the Night Marchers" was put together while I slept, and I woke up
mulling it over all day. Then, as I was driving home from some where, I remembered my wonderful M.C. Escher book.
So I thought, that's what I'll try! Do a Low-Brow / Tiki-Art version of M.C. Escher's "Ascending and descending" lithograph.
So I'll make it in the jungle, all tiki-fied tiki-hut like, with the night marchers walking forever up, and …a black cat crosses their path
On a big ol' log that has fallen across their magical path. Kind of animated…I like that.
Funny, huh?
Still, needs a BUNCH of design work on the night marchers. These are very rough, skeletons in a 1930's cartoon style, with tiki heads?
Hmmmm ….needs work.
I've wanted to paint them for a long time but could not find a hook on them.
I was just happy to get the idea down on paper at least.
More to come!
[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2014-06-26 23:43 ]