Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / Need help renovating home tiki bar!
Post #722930 by tikiskip on Fri, Jul 18, 2014 7:51 AM
Fri, Jul 18, 2014 7:51 AM
One more thing, here is some Wangi bamboo that I put shellac on and sealed about a year or so ago. Also if you want to know how your bar will look with stain, shellac or varnish ect... Burn one shellac one varnish one on and on. Let us see what you come up with so others can learn form this. Here is a post from 2007 where I talk about that burn don't burn and shellac. -==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==- |