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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Saint James Heritage Rum & Reserve Rum

Post #751821 by heylownine on Wed, Sep 30, 2015 7:14 PM

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I'm not going to dismiss it out of hand just because it's not an agricole from Saint James. Over the past year (since Denizen Merchant's Reserve came on the scene and more research was produced about the 1944 Trader Vic's Mai Tai and approximating the original J Wray 17 with a blend of Jamaican and Martinique rum) I've been interested in exploring more of the "industrial" rum side of Martinique and this could be another interesting data point.

Yes I lament that Saint James has elected to not continue to sell their agricole in the US* (for now anyway) - they were the first argricole rhum I really bonded with. But who knows, on its own merit this couple be an interesting rum. Don't judge it for what it's not, but try it for what it is. And then if it kinda sucks it'll suck on its own merit. :)

I'm going to be looking for some right after vacation.


  • One factor in play, especially if you see just how many rums are available internationally (agricole, demerara, and may others) - some of the smaller non-US producers can have a hard time justifying the extra expense of producing a 750ml bottle for the US market if they have a big market in Europe, where the standard is 700ml. The big brands can handle that expense, but boutique or smaller producers can't always do both. Funny enough, both the US and EU can agree on 1L, so seriously, can we just move to that? It's not uncommon to see agricoles come in to the US at 1L and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason.