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Tiki Central / General Tiki / The Curse of Lono - upcoming movie

Post #75605 by tikibars on Wed, Feb 11, 2004 12:50 PM

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On 2004-02-10 04:20, Trader Woody wrote:
Yeah, the book is really enjoyable, though it's not a long read. It's more like a mini version of Fear and Loathing...

Lono is currently difficult to get hold of and you can pay anything from $50 upwards for a copy, but I understand a new edition is in the works.

...Fear And Loathing is a pretty slim read to begin with.

I am certain that when this movie is released, there willl be a reissue of the book to tie in with the movie release. Sort of silly to make a movie of a book no one can get. The question is whether or not Steadman's original drawings will be intact. Knowing how closely tied togehter Thompson and Steadman have always been, I think it's a good bet we'll get a faithful reprint (probably with a new cover depicting the star of the movie, tho). Johnny Depp?