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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / Homebar Bergen, Norway

Post #756813 by 13thfloor on Tue, Jan 5, 2016 5:40 AM

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Finally, after many years with different plans we got our tikibar! We live in a townhome from 1958. In the basement there were a 8m2 (80ft2) storeroom that have been destined to be a tikibar since we moved inn 3 years ago. After an intense building period this fall we moved in some time before christmas. It is small, but cozy. And has the most important things down: a working bar and a seating group.
As a long time lurker I must give a big thank you to all the amazing people on this site for sharing so much and giving such valuable advices, information and especially inspiration. If someone feel I have stolen their designs please be flattered:)
I apologize for the poor low light photos...

First a view of the bar area

Then a view from behind the bar towards the seating area

The corner with the peacock chair

Opposite corner where the entrance is

That is the outline of the room. Now for some details and different angels

This is above the coach

And an other Dough Horne

Then mugshelvs on both sides inside bar area

Carved record shelves

And some rum :drink:


Library :)

I have no idea why some of the images have landed on their side after their trip through cyberspace. Can anyone help me?