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Post #761540 by LoriLovesTiki on Sun, Mar 27, 2016 6:42 PM

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Long time, no updates. Sorry about that!

Although we had a blast in Hawaii we didn't bring home much in terms of decorations. Several sweet mugs but not a lot that added to our tiki backyard decor.

A few weeks ago my husband surprised me with his plans to create a concrete tiki for me. :) It's almost done. He built the frame in one day, added Tyvek and wire mesh during the week and then did concrete this weekend, Friday, Saturday and this morning. He's planning on moving it into it's final location (the sucker is HEAVY now, probably about 180 lbs) and then give it a final coat, some color and concrete sealer. As long as it holds up we might make another style tiki since this project cost about $50, way less than a wood tiki!

I'll add some step-by-steps in Creating tiki for anyone who is interested.