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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / eBay: Set of four original Suffering Bastard Mugs.

Post #76290 by fatuhiva on Mon, Feb 16, 2004 1:28 AM

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I would think overall it drops the price a bit. TikiFarm's repros- look great- I could barely tell the difference. And its for that reason that if I wanted to have some SB's to use in the bar- to serve drinks in, etc, I would buy the repros for sure.. in fact I have.

For the collection shelf, a vintage piece is probably better, but i doubt anybody would really tell the difference. Besides, they need to be a complete set in the original box to be truly, completely vintage HAHAHA

Duke- shouldn't you be CHANGING DIAPERS?

For the record, is there any detectable difference between the Farm mugs and the real ones? I have yet to do a side-by-side compare.

[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2004-02-16 01:30 ]