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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Would you prefer Tiki as 'mainstream' or 'underground'?

Post #765286 by Club Nouméa on Mon, Jun 20, 2016 9:14 PM

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An interesting thread. In terms of its relationship to the cultural mainstream, tiki culture (in its Californian incarnation) is similar to surf rock, or even punk rock in its Californian incarnation. There are periods when it has pushed its way above ground like an erupting volcano but it mainly seems to bubble away below the surface. Decades later though, it is still there, and it currently seems to be enjoying a comeback...

The earliest known tiki mug: "Ruru and Weku", designed by Harry Hargreaves of Crown Lynn, New Zealand, 1949.

[ Edited by: Club Nouméa 2016-06-20 21:18 ]