Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / what's your favorite use(s) for Coruba dark?
Post #768981 by RumScrummager on Sun, Sep 25, 2016 11:19 AM
Sun, Sep 25, 2016 11:19 AM
In case many people are wondering why Coruba dark Jamaican rum works so fabulously in a Mai Tai, here's why: After Trader Vic used up the world’s supply of the 17-year-old J. Wray & Nephew, he reformulated his Mai Tai recipe with the 15-year-old J. Wray & Nephew and Coruba. Coruba is one of the best (after Kohala Bay) dark Jamaican mixing rums - that is, for the money and for what you get in terms of a quality, funky, and versatile product who's history goes all the way back to our Tiki forefathers. Within the Appleton/Myers's/Coruba pantheon, the latter is the more preferred and consistent choice. |