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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar & Tangaroa Terrace, Anaheim, CA (bar)

Post #771173 by Loki-Tiki on Wed, Dec 14, 2016 3:39 PM

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On 2016-12-14 12:54, finky099 wrote:
I agree with Keith. I'm sure Disney see nothing but $$$ based on the popularity of Sam's, though.

MAYBE -and I'm just shamelessly fanwanking here- they could convert the Tangaroa Terrace side into a smaller version of WDW's Skipper Cantina. It could serve a similar purpose to be capitalized upon like expanding Sam's, but maintain a separate space.

Dedicated Sam's aficionados want to be in Sam's but a cantina next door could service overflow and others who want drinks and light food, but don't necessarily have the specific desire that it has to be within Sam's.

Hi Finky, the place you're mentioning is the Jungle Navigation Skipper Canteen, not Cantina. It is a sit-down table service restaurant in the Magic Kingdom, and being where it is, there is no alcohol served. I'm with KK, leave Sam's and Tangaroa Terrace, add more wonderfully themed locations in Downtown Disney along the lines of Jock Lindsey's. There really are no alternatives, so of course Sam's is packed.