Tiki Central / General Tiki / We need to talk about your kitsch problem...
Post #776284 by bigbrotiki on Thu, May 25, 2017 1:36 PM
Thu, May 25, 2017 1:36 PM
It has been my experience that one cannot prevent the crap to rise to the surface with the cool stuff. One can point out what oneself, personally thinks about it, but the differentiation between GOOD bad taste and BAD bad taste is lost on many. I will continue to do so in my books and other publications, but it's just like with the foodie internet writers who cannot see beyond the rim of their Zombie glass and hail every bland bar with a mere Tiki cocktail menu as a "Tiki bar" nowadays. You can rail against it, you can explain why they are wrong...but that won't make them read my books, or understand where they are missing the point. They, just like those politically correct "colonial guilt" carriers, live in THEIR reality, and we will hardly make a dent in it. It's just like in politics. Parallel universes. Any cultural wave will eventually create a counter reaction. Let the smug bastards come, so we can skewer each other's self-righteousness :) This said, I must say that the Lukas article is an amazing attempt by an outsider to understand our complex esthetic! And he "gets" that it is mostly playful. Kudos for thinking much more about it than 99% of journalists out there! [ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2017-05-25 13:51 ] |