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Tiki Central / General Tiki / How fast are we losing tiki?

Post #777677 by mike and marie on Sun, Jul 9, 2017 7:29 PM

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On 2017-07-05 08:27, AceExplorer wrote:
I agree. As for the "loss of tiki," it seems to still be growing at a great clip. As others reported recently, in 2017 we have a new high-profile water park in Orlando which contains clown tiki. And personally, I am running into new and possibly undocumented "tiki" bars in little out-of-the-way places in my travels. They're far from Mai-Kai quality, but they are proof that the tiki vibe is still appealing. Not sure where I'm going to post my pics yet, but I may post here just to show stuff is still being added around the country.

You can also post links to main threads in Locating Tiki.

There are new and often very nice tiki places coming up. Just 10-15 years ago, in Cleveland for instance there only was a handful of 60s Chinese joints with exotic cocktails in mugs, TIKIDAVID's compound, and a handful of gone, closed sites like the Sheraton Kon-Tiki downtown and a few Oceanic Arts installations. Today, all but maybe two of those 60s Chinese joints are gone, including the best one, but there's Porco's and Tiki Underground, both very popular and full of old tiki stuff, and a few other bars like the Erie Kai.

Nothing like the Kon-Tiki, though. And certainly nothing new anywhere in the country like the Mai-Kai or the Kahiki -- or the Hala Kahiki, for that matter. But these other new ventures show that things are possible.

We are losing way too much old stuff. Not enough historic preservation anywhere. Too much of Old Florida is gone, way too much of cool LA is gone. A lot of it has been going away for decades, but a lot of it also went away in just the past few years.