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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / What's your latest rum purchase?

Post #778071 by Early Landed Larry on Fri, Jul 21, 2017 6:37 PM

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Hey Palmtree - no idea and I'm pretty sure I didn't see any. I've heard there might be one or two rum industrielle distilleries on Martinique but I don't know what they're called, and didn't see any obvious standouts in France! I also can't find them with a quick google. That said, agricole is so common in the French market that they don't necessarily go out of their way to say AGRICOLE on the packaging, so I could perhaps have missed some.

(For what it's worth, and I know we haven't been talking about this, I think to emulate the later Mai Tais the best thing is probably to do what Cate and Bum suggest and use a reasonable non-agricole rum as a balance to whatever Jamaican pot still you're using. My current mix is a little Meyers, Appleton estate mixed 50:50 with Mount Gay Black Barrel, and a splash of Plantation 5 on top - 25:50:25. I actually am not that keen on agricole in a MT - I prefer to keep it for drinks where it can be more front and centre - but I can totally see how you might use JM XO in a super-luxury version of one! )

Rummy blessings to your weekend!