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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

Post #778857 by danlovestikis on Mon, Aug 14, 2017 10:34 AM

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TIKI OASIS 17 THE ART SHOW. WE ALL SHOW UP TO POSE FOR PHOTOS. But first it was time to say hi to friends.

Go Go was bursting with joy to meet Daniel Mann. I'm glad I could capture the rapture in this photo.

Bullet, Dan, Woo Hoo and Soccer Tiki with his famous tongue.


MadDogMike looking mad with little lost tiki aka Ken Ruzic. Look in the background for Woody and hang10tiki.

Tiki Ano and MadDogMike making their swap of art.

Time for the artists to line up. I just love being in these photos.

Afterwards I met Daniel Watson with his art piece.

Swen and I. He asked for a back rub and hang10tiki caught it in one of his photos. We have been friends a long time. Yep both guys.

Swanky. His book on the Mai Kai is wonderful to read.

John Moulder aks Ekem Bookem.

Big Toe.

We were asked to line up again so that Miss Tiki Oasis 17 could be in the photo.

Norm Daniels and I together with our art.

SHAG signing autographs.

We tried to have lunch at the HUNTER with Bullet but it was closed at lunch time so Bullet went back to Buzzy's and we went to the Islands and got to enjoy lunch with Scott and Brenda.

We were sitting near Dough Dohr and I got to meet him. We've been facebook friends but face to face is so much fun.

As we were leaving the hotel we ran into Mitch Tobias. He photographed out home in the past and we hadn't talked in a long time. He is in a band. Do you know the name?

The last walkabout. Dan stayed in the room to pack but I wanted one last chance to say hello and goodbye to friends.

I missed Gecko this time around. Alie and Kainoa.

The pool was still the active spot.

I had a long and lovely conversation with this gentleman but I've forgotten his name. Help?
He just contacted me through fb his name is Robert Mitchell. Another great guy for our tiki ohana!

In the background is Marina the fireeating mermaid.

Tiki AL.

I said to Bridgette Crawford lets look sexy. Well I think I will never be a pinup!

My first time meeting Eric the Red.

Farewell to Mary until we meet up back home.

Tiki Diablo.

Bamboo Ben.


First time meeting Roger Scott and his wife who is from the Solomon Islands. How cool is that?!

We finshed packing the car and were on the road home by 4 am. Sunday morning. We missed all the LA traffic.

We were so fortunate to have a wonderful family reunion and then a great Tiki Oasis. Our car went to critical overheating on the ride home. We had two hours yet to go but turning off the air conditioner and using the wind to cool us we made it home. So very lucky.

I will be back to work tomorrow but today we have a summer party with the rest of our family here in Sacramento.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-08-22 19:21 ]