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Post #78444 by rustbeltcat on Sun, Feb 29, 2004 4:53 PM

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Ok well it all came out of a place close to pittsburgh called "The Connely Inn" aparently it is a chain in the area. This partivular location had bee sold and is now an econo lodge. They at some point used to have a Hawiain floor show, I am unsure of when it started, but it seems to have come to an end around 4 years ago when a fire strted in the rear part of the hotel, (where the Dancers lived) They were then kicked out and all of the decorations were uncerimonialy thrown into storage around the hotel. (closets and basement)
I put the age of the goods in the sixties (course I'm no expert) I hope to have the pics up shortly, (like somtime this week)
The wife and I are going to hang onto two peices then the rest is up for grabs......
Will keep everyone informed..