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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / House of Foong Lin: Washington, DC's newest Tiki Bar

Post #790428 by Dr. Coruba on Thu, Oct 11, 2018 8:35 AM

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(Full disclosure: I, along with a cohort of DC area Tiki people, have been doing a weekly Tiki night at House of Foong Lin since 2014)

This is an update to a location first posted about in 2013.
While House of Foong Lin has long been worthy of a drop in by anyone looking for a decent Tiki drink in DC, until its recent renovation it would have been a disappointment tiki decor-wise. I am very happy to report that the owner has stepped up big time and decided to do a complete and major Tiki renovation of the bar and lounge. In addition to the decor, they have Tiki torches outside that they light up every night, the staff now wears Tiki shirts all the time, AND they play a great selection (more than 12 hours worth) of Exotica and Tiki themed music all the time they are open. The results are terrific and and instantly puts House of Foong Lin as a spot not to be missed if you are in the DC area.

A bonus is that they still do a Tiki Thirstday event every Thursday from 5 pm to closing featuring a rotating selection of Tiki classic drinks on special for only $6 each which is usually very well attended by the area Tiki community.

Before photos:

And here are some photos after this summer's Tiki renovation:

The new photos were taken one afternoon recently. I hope to post better evening shots where the lighting and ambiance really shines through.