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Post #79190 by Kailuageoff on 03/04/2004

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Kailuageoff posted on 03/04/2004

There are tikiphiles quoted there...

3/3/2004 4:46 AM

Fast-rising gas prices set records in 2 states
By James R. Healey, USA TODAY
Gasoline prices set statewide records Tuesday in Nevada and West Virginia, and new highs were hit throughout heavily populated Southern California as that state pushed to within a penny of its record.

Nationwide, a gallon of unleaded regular averaged $1.705 — 3.2 cents less than the record set last Aug. 30, motorists' club AAA reported Tuesday. Ten states were within 3 cents of their average highs, close enough that they could set records as soon as Wednesday.

Motorists face climbing prices for another two or three weeks, forecasts Fred Rozell, gasoline expert at Oil Price Information Service. "We'll probably break the record nationally Friday," he predicts.

The climb has put both the government and private groups on alert for price gouging. The Department of Energy said in a statement Tuesday that "spikes in gasoline prices are always of concern and something the Department of Energy monitors very closely."

Motorists who think they've been charged unfairly high prices can report to the government at 800-244-3301 or gaswatch.energy.gov. The Federal Trade Commission investigates complaints of price-gouging.

"We're concerned about prices going so high this early in the year," says Geoff Sundstrom, spokesman for the national AAA organization. "Our sense of it is that, for the short term, prices are going to continue going up." He won't predict how high, though, because "forecasts about high prices can become self-fulfilling" as stations raise prices because motorists are expecting it.

Prices are rising on fears of shortages and in response to consistently high prices for crude oil from which gasoline is made. Crude oil makes up 48% of the price of gasoline.

West Texas Intermediate crude, the U.S. benchmark also called light, sweet crude, was $36.66 a barrel for April delivery at the close of New York trading Tuesday, down 20 cents from Monday. Oil prices have been higher than that only 33 times in the government's 20-year database. The record: $40.42 in 1990, equivalent to $57.27 today, adjusted for inflation.

Petroleum traders feared shortages after a shipping accident Feb. 21 blocked traffic on the lower Mississippi River, halting gasoline barges trying to get into the Gulf of Mexico and on to Florida. The Coast Guard reopened the river to partial traffic quickly. "A few stations around Tampa ran out of unleaded, and the terminals were nearly out, but it was a matter of hours" until supplies were normal again, says Tom Kloza, oil analyst at OPIS.

"We've asked all the AAA clubs to keep a sharp eye out for any outages, and we've been in touch with the Department of Energy to share information" if regions run out of gas, Sundstrom says.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration said in recent report: "Gasoline inventories are below the normal range for this time of year, meaning that should problems occur, there is little available supply immediately on hand either to meet increased demand or to respond to refinery, pipeline or other infrastructure problems that may occur."