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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

Post #795998 by Tiki Shark Art on Sun, Jun 30, 2019 9:50 PM

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Trade Mark is a darned good thing to do.
Copyrights are a darned good thing to do.

now, American law says every piece of art is automatically copyrighted to the artist who made it. Period!
In a perfect world that would be enough. But, sigh, things are not perfect.

The biggest problem is technology is changing FAST. I was told, by a fed, that the FEDS just could not keep up with the internet and every single case of every artist being ripped off on line. They didn't have the man power.
However, the other edge of that sword is things are changing fast and folks are quickly catching up every day. Many of these on line business's of selling merchandise on line, NOW have rather easy systems to report someone who is selling something they should not. So if you see your work on line, before you call that expensive lawyer, take the time to check out the web site and see where you report copyright infringements.

Good Luck and ALOHA!