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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Best Exotica & Lounge Podcasts

Post #797158 by Cammo on Sat, Aug 31, 2019 5:11 PM

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Cammo posted on Sat, Aug 31, 2019 5:11 PM

I like podcasts because:

  1. As opposed to streaming online "radio" they have set lengths and are easy to DJ to themes.

  2. You can bookmark favorite podcasts for playback at parties/long drives/background at work.

  3. They don't (the better ones don't) have commercials!

  4. When people ask "Duh, what's Tiki music?!" you can pretend that everybody on Earth is listening to these really hip podcasts that you've bookmarked on your phone and they are totally missing out on an enormous universal phenomenon. Just don't show them the podcast dates.

  5. Where else are you going to find a solid hour of 1960's Spy Music?

So here's the update, I'm not including links, you folks will just have to go hunting through the tall weeds for yourself, that's half the fun, uh, I think...
The Quiet Village Podcast

Ports of Paradise Podcast with Palmtree Paddy (say it 10 times fast!)

Exotica Hour with Cudra Clover

Inside the Desert Oasis Room

The Bachelor Pad Radio Show

Buddie's Lounge

Zen Tiki Lounge

Ritual of the Savage Exotica Podcast

Spyrate Radio

Koop Kooper's Cocktail Nation

Exotic Tiki Island

Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast
I really wish some of these were still active!

Any more out there????