Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / first time Cuban rum , oh the joy.
Post #798199 by mikehooker on Mon, Oct 21, 2019 7:09 PM
Mon, Oct 21, 2019 7:09 PM
While the embargo was never lifted, the regulations became very lax near the end of the Obama era. Travel to Cuba from the United States was allowed under certain criteria and you were able to bring back as much rum and cigars as would fit in your luggage, so long as it was for personal use and not commercial resale. We went to Havana a few years ago (flight from Ft Lauderdale) for a week and brought back 17 bottles of rum. Declared we had $100 of rum and they didn't even check our bags or question us at customs. I couldn't tell you how many friendly Cubans stopped us in the streets to ask if we were Americans and thanked us for Obama, saying how they now earn a decent living because of the added tourism. Many people are taxi drivers and rely on fairs from visitors to feed their families. So the influx of Americans really improved their situation. That said, I have no idea what the state of affairs are now under the current administration. I had hoped the clown in charge would have bigger fish to fry and leave Cuban affairs alone, but I'm pretty sure he cut off travel to there like a year ago and I don't know the latest regulations on "contraband." I will say, a friend of mine just this week brought me back a liter of Havana Club 3 year from Mexico and he had no issues whatsoever coming across the border. Hope you have a great trip and bring back some good stuff! Let us know how it goes. |