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Post #799353 by Banana Bill on Mon, Dec 16, 2019 2:03 PM

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Took a couple of vacation days and got close to finishing phase 1 of my tiki basement build. I employed my limited construction skills to add shelves of scorched and wire-brushed pine (huge soot mess). Added strips of LEDs that still need a little tweaking.
(Is there a way to rotate pix on here???)
Once that was done, I couldn't resist staging some of my bottles, which then had to be stashed back in the rum locker to keep my teenagers away from it.

Then, I unpacked a whole bunch of boxes that have been waiting for about three years and started to make the space look like a proper tiki bar.

Nothing's permanent, but at least now I have a little space with which to content myself. Next steps include getting plumbing installed to get that sink functioning while pushing ahead with the rest of the basement. The door next to the back bar leads to my "rum locker," which will hopefully become a tiki-themed bathroom once I find another secure place for the booze.
Clearly, I'm a bit obsessed with my lava-red lighting scheme at the moment. Next time I post, I'll add some properly lit pix.

[ Edited by: Banana Bill 2019-12-16 14:09 ]