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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / TIKISKIP: Rehabing Kahiki Tiki Bar Restaurant lights

Post #803771 by tikiskip on Sun, May 29, 2022 3:58 AM

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Saw my first black swallowtail yesterday!

So kinda stumped on this light for now need to make a mold of sorts to see if that helps. Want to put netting and paper inside and that can be tricky, and my hot tub workshop has been closed due to rain.

BUT one thing I did find out the hard way is that after I bent the rattan into shape and put on basket to fix broken pieces it then had to be stained with watercolor paints to match other rattan parts on light.

Well damned if the bend did not start coming out of the rattan from the wet paint. You know it was just that curly Q at the end of the top parts, so it was not tied down or anything like that.

Had to replace the one that were really bad and move on.

Lesson learned I guess. Will do it again I'm sure.
