Tiki Central / Other Crafts / MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Quicksand Quincy
Post #803931 by MadDogMike on Wed, Jun 8, 2022 11:10 AM
Wed, Jun 8, 2022 11:10 AM
I found a 9 inch swirled glass globe at Ross for $17 with a 3 inch hole in the top of it, decided to make a fish float lamp out of it. My Tiki space is outdoors so I use nylon paracord, last a lot longer than jute. I needed 100 feet.
8 pieces of rope, each about 13-14 feet. Step one of a lanyard knot. This video is a bit goofy but shows this knot well https://youtu.be/2zgo48dRuC8
Lanyard knot step #2
Finished lanyard knot
I use a simple overhand knot instead of the more traditional square knot, easier to adjust length as you tie. It doesn't lay as flat as a square knot but adds more "texture"
First round of knots. I tied them 2 inches out from the center knot. The orange Post-It has a mark at 2 inches to keep my knots consistent
Second round, be sure to pull all knots tight
Taped to the globe to keep it from slipping around
The knots are no longer 2 inches as the circumference of the globe increases. I don't measure any more, just try to keep them even. After a couple more rounds of knots and tape, flipped the globe over using a container or bowl to keep it from rolling around.
Finished the last rounds of knots. Didn't really have a game plan to finish, just wrapped all the cord together to make a loop and tied it off tight
Wiring was simple. Cut the receptacle end off an extension cord and wired a candelabra socket on using heat shrink tubing.
Pushed the bulb and socket into the globe between the cords and used twist ties to attach the wires to the loop. The bulb just hangs in the center making it simple to change the bulb when it burns out. I use LED bulbs because they last a long time and don't make any heat. Note that the lamp hangs from the rope loop, NOT the electrical cord. Done and ready to hang.
Finished lamp. I need to find a dimmer bulb, maybe a green one