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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Growing mint

Post #805506 by TIKIGIKI on Sat, Sep 10, 2022 7:06 PM

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You want mint? Take some of mine....please! Whilst mint is a very necessary component or garnish of many drinks, (I do so enjoy a good Mint Julep), it can be so damned invasive if you live anywhere near the Tropics as I do. It spreads aggressively from very long underground runners and you won't even notice until it pops up some distances away. NEVER let it near any lawn. Mine invaded by just such method from a nearby garden bed. (Although it does smell great when you mow now.)

Plant it in a pot, with good soil and keep moist/wet even and in the sun. Pick as necessary. I like to keep two pots on the go. If you live in the colder climates it will suffer severely in winter and frost will probably kill it, so it will require some shelter during those colder months. Never be fobbed off with something commonly called "Vietnamese mint". It has a strangely metallic taste and will ruin any drink. It's really only for cooking.

PS: A sprig of slightly bruised mint is the ONLY garnish acceptable for a true Mai Tai. Nothing else.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-09-10 19:08:06 ]