Tiki Central / General Tiki / Are you a "Tiki Snob"?
Post #807725 by TIKIGIKI on Wed, Feb 1, 2023 11:17 PM
Wed, Feb 1, 2023 11:17 PM
in reply to Pahoehoe Ule
Above: "At the risk of setting off the purists among us, I think tikidom will exile itself into a second decline if it doesn't allow external influences to introduce a certain amount of variation." I disagree. This is akin to saying that French Impressionist Art will decline unless it admits Street Art (it's actually graffiti) to give variation. It won't. It didn't and it hasn't. It still sells just as it was, and is collected very enthusiastically, bringing record prices and huge attendances at exhibitions. There is no art/music movement that does not have borders. You go to a Jazz festival to appreciate the genre, not to hear electro pop, and there would be screams if you did. I don't think any movement has to "develop" nowadays. Why? Those who really appreciate it do so as it is, not subsequently twisted up by someone who thinks they can/must improve or add to it. Will it hold up in 50 years? Well even just judging by the following here on TC it's still going pretty strong now after quite some time. It's certainly NOT "snobbishness" to want to enjoy and preserve an historical genre as it was. That's particularly why we enjoy it, or we'd be into say Minimalism, Art Deco or some other more current trend. You could try for a Post Tiki if that's your bent, however if you are including items that are plainly not Tiki, (and never were) then don't be surprised if it's not popular with other lovers of Tiki as it was/is. If it's just your own home bar, then feel free to include what you will, bit if it's a commercial venue, then it's probably not a good idea to advertise it specifically as a "Tiki" bar. Yes, a lot of Tiki was "fake" in that it wasn't actually authentic Polynesian. Sculptors carved imaginary works back then, and even I can make/carve items in the Tiki Style now as many other contributors here can do very well. That's because we know full well what the parameters are and wish to preserve them. I certainly do not consider it snobbishness to not have any Rat Fink cartoons, flying saucers, aliens, clowns (or what-have-you) in a designated Tiki bar. |