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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tropical Gardens with Hardy Plants

Post #807870 by TIKIGIKI on Thu, Feb 9, 2023 3:38 PM

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Re. "Pygmy"....well I see that it's now being referred to in current plant catalogues as the "Dwarf" date palm. Ask Peter Dinklage about that?

Maybe they should have just gone with "Little", but I'll stick with "pygmy". I have never understood the current snowflake hysteria over words, ....ANY words! They are just words. Yes, ALL of them! Yes Virginia, I do mean ALL of them!

Not saying it, or using some long-winded prissy artificial euphemism will not somehow make it go away or suddenly excise it from the language. I've been called many of them at one time or another, and yet here I am. What ever happened to "Sticks & stones..." etc.?