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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / "13 Rules For Tiki Bars"

Post #813237 by MrFab on Wed, Jul 3, 2024 2:13 PM

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MrFab posted on Wed, Jul 3, 2024 2:13 PM

Thanks, MadDogMike! I caught a few of the ones you missed:

"Third, the clientele. No ???" -- (couldn't catch this one; sounds like 'staggering cans,' but unless that's some obscure British slang, probably not.)

"5, the cuisine - as BOYD Rice says..."

"9, no hard drugs" -- (Yeah, I don't know who 'Cedric' is)

"Ten, spiritualism. Some say Tiki is the Polynesian god of creativity. In fact, Tiki is a fabricated god, imported from the imagination of plenty of 20TH CENTURY American male chauvinists."

"Maybe the most important rule, however, is number thirteen - music policy. Exotica is fine, Bossa Nova is fine, SURF rock, SOME INSECURE MEN* is OK."

*Apparently this band is a side-project of the band Insecure Men. Maybe 'Cedric' is a member?