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Tiki Central / Tiki Gallery / 2024 junks art's new and old works

Post #814758 by OceaOtica on Mon, Jan 20, 2025 6:19 AM

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been about a 3 month dry spell of doing any art, but being asked to help a friend at his booth at Inuhele and having some of my work at his booth has the engine starting to run. Since I lost the files of most of my art, been able to recoup some off an old laptop. Found this photo of pieces I made in 2011 for a show in Palm Springs in 2012, though cant recall the gallery but it was a group tiki art show. Asaro Mudmen resin on diamond shaped wood. Never was able to get back to the gallery to pick them up so they are floating around somewhere out there.IMG_7537 IMG_7541