Tiki Socialite
Tiki Island, above the Silverlake
Joined: Mar 25, 2002
Posts: 11621
On 2004-03-18 09:32, Rattiki wrote:
This Exotica IMHO was a sad, faded, white washed, gobbly goop, poor excuse for music compared to the rip roaring jazz of the former big city nightclub era.
Welllll...this could be said about American Tiki bars (compared to, for example, "Quinn's" in Tahiti) and Tiki style in general.
But it is exactly this "white washed, gobbly goop" (or in-authenticity) why we like Tiki. It's FUNNY.
....And nobody is comparing Exotica to "the rip roaring jazz of the former big city nightclub era", why would we? The Tiki vibe is not about rockin', jumpin, jivin, but about lounging.
Many people just don't "get" Exotica (not a value judgement here!), and we bemoan that, because it is, without a doubt, THE fitting sound environment for the classic Tiki bar of the 50s and 60s (not 20s/30s, and as we witness, neither 90s/2000s), and we like to experience the Tiki concept in it's completeness.
Exotica musik, with it's bird calls, volcano rumblings and wave crashing sound effects provides the ideal "glue" to unite all the faux elements of the Mainland Polynesian Pardise into a cohesive alternate reality...
If one let's it, that is.
[ Edited by: bigbrotiki on 2004-03-18 17:41 ]