Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Dollar Tree Tiks!!!!!!
Post #82496 by ikitnrev on Tue, Mar 23, 2004 7:10 PM
Tue, Mar 23, 2004 7:10 PM
Question. One of my Dollar Tiki figures appears to have a tiny name etched onto the front of the base - it says either Brad or Fread. This is the solitary figure, with a round head and what looks to be a music stand as a headpiece. Does anybody else's figure have this name on their figure, or was this an act of in-store vandalism. I'm a bit amazed at this sudden appearance of these tiki figures all across America. The Dollar Tree chain has over 2000 stores, and I'm wondering if every one of them last week received a shipment of tiki figures to place on their shelves. Who ever handles their logistics and shipping must be doing a good job. Did Dollar Tree commision and make these figures for themselves? Why aren't they making appearances in other stores? Was there a manufacturing overun from somewhere else in the world? Who carved the original designs? Was it some guy named Brad or Fred? If these figurines sell well, will there be new designs and new shipments coming? If they sell really, really well, will Dollar Tree change their name to Dollar Tiki? Vern |