Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Absinthe... discuss.
Post #82713 by Kono on Wed, Mar 24, 2004 8:46 PM
Wed, Mar 24, 2004 8:46 PM
Well I finally got around to making a batch of absinthe from the EnjoyAbsinthe.com kit as mentioned above. I'm off work tomorrow so I've got a mini-rocks glass of it in front of me right now. My God this stuff tastes like pure unadulterated evil. And that's with it cut 50% with sugar water. Y'see, last time I made it I used 151 vodka and it was pretty bad. This time I used 151 pure grain and I cannot adequately describe how horrific it tastes. Maybe like eating burned up poisonous bushes covered in tar. But even worse than that. It smells great though! Like a nice anisette with a hint of wormwood. Tastes like green death. Before you judge me a wimp, I honestly like cheap Puerto Rican rum on the rocks. The stuff that really burns the palate and the gullet. But Ron Rico tastes like ice tea compared to this stuff. I doubt I'll be able to drink enough to get any "effect" but I'll give it a shot (or two)! |