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Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki till Dawn at LACMA!!!!!

Post #97120 by Humuhumu on Fri, Jun 18, 2004 1:07 PM

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Shoot, there were actually quite a few of us! It's a shame we didn't run into you.

It definitely was a weird event, but I had a great time. Huge turnout--even with my RSVP, I still had to stand in a line that went all the way to the end of the block & around the corner (it moved pretty quickly, though). I was the only one in aloha wear in the line, but once I got inside, there were quite a few folks wearing aloha shirts. Not a ton, mind you--most of the people there were attracted to it because it was a cool all-night museum event, not just because of the tiki angle (which is probably as it should be).

It was all pretty hodge-podgy, while standing in line, we were "entertained" by men & women swinging around glowy lights & hula hoops -- your basic raver/burningman-type setup, but the crowd seemed even less into that than into tiki. Once inside, the only tiki elements where the bars, which were actually pretty nicely decorated (probably rentals from Oceanic Arts). The drink I had was beyond terrible -- a "Tiki Colada", which tasted like a pina colada jelly belly with a splash of rum. Or like coconut frosting. Anyway, not tasty, but my expectations were low, so I wasn't disappointed or anything. I'm sounding whiny about it--it was a strange event, but I had a good time. One of the odd but ultimately enjoyable elements was that they were giving away jars of fancy peanut butter in different flavors, like cinnamon currant, smokehouse, deep chocolate... I opted for the onion parsley flavor, and was roundly mocked.

First I ran into Tikifille, then I saw Dale Sizer & Jim Cherry (they don't post here, but they lurk, they're Tiki-Ti semi-regulars, and Dale's tiki apartment is in the book PAD). Christiki then joined us, and then we went over to visit with Sven & Naomi, and found King Kukulele, Johnny Velour, Sven's roomie Daniel, the mmoderntikis, and DJLee. Futura Girl was making her way in just as we were all leaving. We also got to meet a new-to-TC tikiphile who hasn't started posting yet. I said it in reference to the Chicago tiki events -- who gives a rat's ass if the event isn't suitably tiki?? I could meet up with a bunch of tikiphiles at a rodeo, and I'd be happy.

I must admit, I actually didn't make my way into see the exhibits or watch any of the movies. I did get to see the new House Industries book, and OH MY GOD I HAVE TO HAVE IT.

Dale, Jim & Chris

One of the two tiki bars

Johnny Velour & King Kukulele

It's tiki, 'cause it SAYS SO!

Sven & Futura Girl

More pics here: http://public.fotki.com/Humuhumu/lacma/