Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Lollapalooza 2004-all dates cancelled
Post #98664 by BaronV on Sun, Jun 27, 2004 8:55 AM
Sun, Jun 27, 2004 8:55 AM
Well that's their own damn fault then. Remember zines? Send in a buck or two, wait a few months and get a badly photocopied newsletter fileld with reviews and pointless diatribes. Find an interesting band/label and then send stamps, wait 2 or 3 months, get a catalog, mail in an order, wait 2 or 3 months, and finally get to hear what the zine i ordered almost a year ago as talking about. That sucked. The Internet is a godsend for music fans. Listening to the Internet broadcast of John Peel on Radio 1 ( a few weeks back and he had a "Grime Session" on - some tunes that sounded like dub, drum and bass, and hip hop put through a blender. While listening to the show I Google'd to the band's/label's site, heard some samples that sounded good, and ordered a CD EP. It showed up in the mail today and I'm blasting it to annoy my neighbors. If an overweight, balding, 30 year old white dude living in Northern Japan can tap into the underground a little and the "kids" can't, they deserve the crap that's on the radio (and the cover of Rolling Stone). |