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Just A Thought

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tikifish posted on 10/06/2002

For the few of you who said I should email Mad-Tiki and "make up", you may not realise, I never said one thing nasty or mean to Mad Tiki, ever. This has been a one way flame war all along.

So I do not need to apologise for anything.

All I have been doing is sitting here and politely taking all the horsepuckey flung my way.

MaD-TiKi posted on 10/06/2002

Not everyone will understand what I post, but some will. Thats what a debate is all about. I can not apologise for what I think is the truth, and I never will. It goes both ways on who said started it, no one just sits and takes it. It had to start some where. People read both sides of the views and they take whatever side they want, it not my say on what side they take. It's just my views that make them go that way or not.
Until the next debate,
MaD-TiKi :evil:

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/06/2002

pOoR PoOr Madtiki. Soo many contradictions, cant tackle them all...
The hole you dug is bottomless.
(I was gonna say your hole is bottomless, but you'd probably take offense)
Tikifish beat me to my theory: I'm sorry, I thought you were a girl too from the way you were carrying on.
You are a guy???
I've never heard of a guy being so gosh golly darn sensitive.
So very misunderstood & surrounded by bullies & bashers.
You must be extra fancy.


PS: YOU started it

[ Edited by: bigbadtikidaddy on 2002-10-06 10:37 ]

SlovakTiki posted on 10/06/2002

[ Edited by: SlovakTiki on 2002-10-06 13:25 ]

fartsatune posted on 10/07/2002

Mad-tiki never hid the fact that he was a male. He has his sexuality hanging right there disguised as an ear. And a pretty long ear if i do say so myself...:)

floratina posted on 10/07/2002

Like Stingray, I don't mind it if posting becomes contentious at times. I think it keeps things interesting. Whether or not I agree with what you post, I still like reading your thoughts, MadTiki.

By the way, I think TikiFish is a very good artist.

On 2002-10-06 08:24, MaD-TiKi wrote:
Not everyone will understand what I post, but some will. Thats what a debate is all about.

No, debate is about the comparison of ideas. Debate is about being able to intelligently present your views.

I can not apologise for what I think is the truth, and I never will. It goes both ways on who said started it, no one just sits and takes it.

Apparently a good many people who belong to this forum "Just sits and takes it". At least according to your own posts.

It's just my views that make them go that way or not.

Meglomania is indeed an ugly thing. You should put a salve on it.

Until the next debate,
MaD-TiKi :evil:

Misuse the term debate again, and I report you to the debate police.

[ Edited by: Thomas Jefferson Tiki Apartments on 2002-10-06 23:55 ]

Apologies for feeding the troll.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 10/07/2002

Holy Shit! Boy this thread took off over the weekend. I missed out. My opinion is this: If you have not noticed, I try to throw humor into my posts. I did not take offense to the "tribute to nedyahr" painting, rather I thought it was very cunning of the artist. After all, it ended up selling the damn thing. I still have not recieved my .62 cents, and I would not need it if it was $6200.00. I like the posts where there is a fight between "tiki friends." I dont come here and get pissed off. And if Mad-Tiki does, then he shouldnt come here anymore. He needs to go post on some soft hearted forum where he can smell the flowers and pet the fluffy animals and sing those silly ass songs around campfires. Me, I like the mean tikis that like to eat the fluffy animals roasting over the campfire. Hey I am a redneck folks! If we dont kill something once a week our reputation is changed to "pussified"! I look forward to visting tiki central everyday so I can to see what else will happen. Yall have fun now, ya hear! Thats what this is all about! Oh and those who think Mad Tiki is right and have been sending emails to him, speak up, let yourselves be known. Or, better yet, why dont you forward them emails to me mad-tiki! I dont think you have any!

[ Edited by: kokomotikibar&grill 2005-07-20 08:37 ]

GECKO posted on 10/07/2002

I respect everyones opinion, no worries! I atleast had to try. Living da island life is living Aloha. Visit da Islands sometime and you will see what I'm talkin about.

Aloha to you all!

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/07/2002


When I was in Oahu back in '79, got invited to a party by some local dude me and a surf friends met out surfing.

Little did I know the hawaiian word for that party was something to effect of "kill a haole party/day".

One of my buds got his ass kicked. Needless to say we split quickly. We were set up. I wasn't feeling the 'Aloha' spirit that night.

GECKO posted on 10/08/2002

That sucks Bong! Was it on the west side? If you visit the west side of the island (Waianie)please be very carefull! They don't like mainlanders a whole lot there, hell not a whole lot of locals go there too. It's bad for there are knuckle heads, crack heads, etc...

Aloha is not for everyone including some of the disrespectfull locals. Bong, you have met me and you know I'm not like that. We too have a few bad apples here on the island(who dosent) but they are to weak to take away the aloha spirit that dwells over this beautifull island and people.

Bong, back in 79' you were in your teens or early 20's right. So you probubly ran into some young punks that were jealous of u guys for what ever the reason and just wanted to be a$$ holes! no worries dude! you come here almost once a year so you know what it's really like!

Aloha Bong

suicide_sam posted on 10/08/2002

A buddy of mine lived in Hawaii for 3 years. He told me that he went surfing one day and got his A** kicked by the locals for being an outsider. He went back to surf again the next day and got his A** kicked again. He went back for a third day and this time they figured there was no point in beating him any more cause he was going to keep going back to surf anyways so they let him be. Ironically enough he later came to become really good friends with the same guys that gave him such an unfriendly welcome to the islands.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 10/31/2002

KokomoTikiBar&Grill wrote:

Puppy Moai Penis Ear BOY!

Funny how some quotes stay lodged in the back of one's mind. Kokomo's phrase popped into my mind when I saw this listing:


PolynesianPop posted on 10/31/2002


Yup, that's it.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 10/31/2002

Thanks for the laugh!

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