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Tiki @ Target

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christiki295 posted on 07/15/2004

The Target on LaCienega & Rodeo doesn't have the Lava Light, and I didn't realize Target has a CSR to call around for you.

I did pick up some candles, passed on the clocks. I may have to go back today and get the plates & tray, that I passed on.

Is 180 thread count 60 cotton/40 poly scratchy?

cynfulcynner posted on 07/15/2004

On 2004-07-14 18:56, christiki295 wrote:
Is 180 thread count 60 cotton/40 poly scratchy?

It can be, but you don't notice it so much once you fall asleep. :lol:

mattfink posted on 07/15/2004

You wouldn't want to sleep in the nude on them!!! You might inaverdently experience some fabric burns in a bad plance...tee, hee, hee.....

Is 180 thread count 60 cotton/40 poly scratchy?

Tiki Brad posted on 07/17/2004

Hahahahah how funny. My better half rocknrollgirl who is an avid Target junkie just told me about the tiki stuff this afternoon. Of course we shot over there to take a look. Most, if not all, of it is pretty chessy, but in a really fun way. The Tiki Tock clock is great. As were the candle holders. I picked up a mug for 4 bucks. Sure, it's only so so quality, the mold is pretty crappy and the colors are terrible but who cares? It's not on display with my other mugs. It's merely a "work" mug. They're great for travel bars, parties and guests. If one breaks, who cares? And it's pretty good size, so I can make extra large cocktails in it. Yum! I think a lot of people are taking it too seriously. None of it is meant to be collector's pieces. It's all just really generic fun stuff. Heck, I'm going to pick up a few more mugs if I can find them!

TikiGardener posted on 07/17/2004

On 2004-07-17 01:00, Tiki Brad wrote:
None of it is meant to be collector's pieces.

Wanna start a pool as to when the first target tiki item goes up on ebay?

Some of the stuff IMHO is pretty damn good. And some, mostly the Clay Arts ripoff mugs, are so so.

I have a feeling that this stuff will end up on ebay, and some guy in Dehli with a tiki fetish, and lots of money from his well funded American outsourcing empire will pay prices most of us will just drop our jaws over.

Ok well maybe not that extreme, but look at what happened with the dollar tree tikis.


Kono posted on 07/18/2004

First Dollar Tree, then TJ Maxx and now Target. Apparently tiki is working itself up the retail food chain (having bypassed K-Mart and Wal-Mart for some reason). I predict that tiki will hit Macy's sometime this fall and Tiffany's and Saks next spring.

[ Edited by: Kono on 2004-07-17 20:50 ]

Lissette EsQui posted on 07/18/2004

I checked out the Tiki stuff at Target too. All the stuff was soooo awesome! I bought four ceramic tiki mugs, 2 salad plates, an appetizer tray, a set of drink stirrers, and a set of four shot glasses. We're working on our tiki room set up in our back porch and I can't wait to set everything up! Hooray!

Lissette EsQui posted on 07/18/2004

I nearly screamed when I went to Target and saw the Tiki stuff! I bought four of the tall Ceramic Mugs, 2 salad plates, an appetizer tray, 4 shot glasses, and a set of 8 tiki stirrers. That's all I could bring myself to buy. I wasn't crazy about the Tiki mug pastel colors, but for $4.95, I'm not complaining. I do like my Tiki Farm mugs a lot more and their quality is excellent.

What really bothered me though is the whole "back to school" crap. I thinking it's terribly cruel to kids and teenagers for them to be waltzing at a Target on their summer break with the words "Back to School" flashed all over the place in the middle of July. That sucks!

Slacks Ferret posted on 07/18/2004

First Dollar Tree, then TJ Maxx and now Target. Apparently tiki is working itself up the retail food chain (having bypassed K-Mart and Wal-Mart for some reason). I predict that tiki will hit Macy's sometime this fall and Tiffany's and Saks next spring.

Actually Kono, I spotted, and even bought some tiki related items from Wal-Mart about 2 weeks ago. If I had a digi-Cam, I'd havve posted already (but alas, I do not). What I get? Well first of all, I found a 25" (or so) plastic resin garden tiki, similar in style to the candle on the extreme left on page 184 of the BOT.
They also had a modern version of the old favorite PMP-like patio lanterns (seen on page 182 of the BOT).

TNTiki posted on 07/18/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:54 ]

hiltiki posted on 07/18/2004

actually, Macys had some attractive dishes and things that were very polynesian, they also have sheets in the same genre.

Kono posted on 07/18/2004

On 2004-07-18 11:07, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Actually Kono, I spotted, and even bought some tiki related items from Wal-Mart about 2 weeks ago. If I had a digi-Cam, I'd havve posted already (but alas, I do not). What I get? Well first of all, I found a 25" (or so) plastic resin garden tiki, similar in style to the candle on the extreme left on page 184 of the BOT.
They also had a modern version of the old favorite PMP-like patio lanterns (seen on page 182 of the BOT).

You been holdin' out on us! Great, now I've gotta go to Wal Mart... How much was the resin tiki?

How odd that the two products are replicas of two vintage products that are only one page apart in the BOT. Anyone smell a conspiracy?? Nah, me either.

kingslod posted on 07/19/2004

You been holdin' out on us! Great, now I've gotta go to Wal Mart... How much was the resin tiki?

Please...don't go to Wal-Mart. :)

Kono posted on 07/19/2004

On 2004-07-18 20:27, kingslod wrote:
Please...don't go to Wal-Mart. :)

Last time I went to Wal-Mart I got a "Best of the Beverly Hillbillies" DVD for five bucks.

I'm going tomorrow because I need a new office chair! (And I want to check out the resin garden tiki)

Kenike posted on 07/20/2004

(And I want to check out the resin garden tiki)

My Wal Mart didn't have it...just cherubs and those big colored glass balls.

croe67 posted on 07/20/2004

I checked 2 WMs on the way home from work & saw cherubs, rabbits & plastic children (????). Alas, but no Tikis :(

tikijackalope posted on 07/20/2004

Has anyone in the United States seen the Wal-Mart garden center Toscano tikis? I know from collecting toys that distribution is a bit different on either side of the border.

Palm Paunch posted on 07/20/2004

None in Iowa, alas...

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 07/20/2004

I was just at Wal Mart about a week ago. I didn't see anything. Darn, now I'm going to have to make a special trip!

Slacks Ferret posted on 07/21/2004

Hi gang. I still don't have a pic of the Wal-Mart Garden Tiki... It cost me $30.00 Canadian. The tag on the bottom says it is by Garden Trend and it is made in China and Imported by Wal-Mart Canada Corp. I measured it and it's actually closer to 26" high. Sorry no pic yet...

BarkerBird posted on 07/21/2004

That giganto Lava Light (yep, it's LAVA brand, made especially for target) is only 50 bucks.

A better lava light deal can not be found on the planet.

Did I mention, it's HUGE?!? Those photos do not do it justice.

Kono posted on 07/21/2004

No WalMart tiki in Florida. :(

Hopefully, like the geese and the Stanley Cup, it will make it's way here soon. :wink:

docwoods posted on 07/21/2004

Finally,I can enjoy the Target tikis,instead of salivating over everyone else's goodies.Went to our new Supertarget today (first day)and there it all was-on clean shelves and VERY attractively displayed.I picked up the light box and the Tiki Lounge bamboo sign.Some teen girls were calling each other "Dude"and squealing over the tiki stuff,but in the end,they all purchased these shrek stuffed donkeys that brayed annoyingly when you squeezed his stomach.

docwoods posted on 07/21/2004

Oh,saw the tiki bobblehead-you could kill someone with that bad boy-he's heavy!

TNTiki posted on 07/24/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:55 ]

Kono posted on 07/24/2004

On 2004-07-23 19:43, TNTiki wrote:
photo flip stand (that I think I am going to use for drink recipes)

Damn, that's a good idea. I hope they have some left...

docwoods posted on 07/24/2004

Super idea about the photo flip stand-would also be neat if you had a few tables in a tiki lounge-showcasing drinks and snacks.Fun.

Satan's Sin posted on 07/24/2004

Got the tiki lava light -- at $14.99 it really can't be beat. Looks very, very nice on the bar. Red blobs go really well with tiki surroundings. Last lava light I bought was about the same size, and $45 at that.

Also new -- tiki pillows. Shaped like small logs. Cute, clever.

Hey, TNT -- good idea on using that thingamajig as a cocktail recipe holder!

Unkle John posted on 07/25/2004

I picked these guys up today from a local Target:

The one is the back is the Unkle John Size mug! My wahine loved the clock and bobber so we got them as well.
I left quite a few more mugs and candle/mini mugs. I figured what i would do is run the candle mugs under hot water to remove the insides then clean it up for a grog mug. My birthday is coming up so I want family to get them for me. I'm not trying to sound cheap, it helps "train" the family into finding tiki. Besides with my memory, I'll forget in the next few months. :wink:

and yes that is my spencers hula girl lamp. $15 (display model)
Heck I figured with the pice and availability of these mugs, i can aford to use them at gatherings for the "trustworthy" guests. And if they break, oh well. Hey they are dishwasher safe. Now if I can only find an ultra slim dishwasher to fit in my kitchen i'd be set.

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-07-24 18:46 ]

Kono posted on 07/25/2004

Damn it TNTiki, I went to Target (regular, not Super) today to get that flip it over photo thing so as to utilize it as per your fine idea as a drink recipe holder. I wound up spending too much money! :x

Now they've got a large area tiki rug for $20. I have no place to put it, it doesn't match, it's a little too kitschy, but I thought "Where am I ever going to find a tiki rug again??" And so I bought it. I folded it up and it's serving time as a dog bed.

Ditto for the dry erase magnetic message center. "Will there ever be another?" Doubtful. Plus it's got that blue stripes down the side with the tikis design that reminds me of those old racing team windbreakers from the 60s. Had to get it.

Then, in an unusually practical move, I went to get a cheap colander because I need one. They had a goshdarned colander with holes that were little pineapples! My two dollar cheap colander turned into a thirteen dollar luxury tiki colander! :x

It was kinda neat to see all the interest the tiki items garnered.

Unkle John, that tiki clock was at Target? That's a new one. I want one. I wonder what time SuperTarget opens on Sunday??

Unkle John posted on 07/25/2004

Unkle John, that tiki clock was at Target? That's a new one. I want one. I wonder what time SuperTarget opens on Sunday??

I got him at a Super Target. He's very light, and is suppose to be an alarm clock. I think he was titled as a "Big Kahuna Clock"
I paid about $4.99 for it.
Super Target are suppose to be ope 24 hours. Suppose to be, but not 100% sure.

TNTiki posted on 07/25/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:57 ]

tikijackalope posted on 07/25/2004

Unkle John wrote:
![](Super Target are suppose to be ope 24 hours. Suppose to be, but not 100% sure.)
I think most Super Targets are only open till 11 or midnight. At least thats the way it is in the midwest, sadly.

Atomicchick posted on 07/25/2004

Can someone post a pic of the tiki rug?

Kono posted on 07/25/2004

On 2004-07-25 00:09, Atomicchick wrote:
Can someone post a pic of the tiki rug?

It looks just like this melmac tray (pic courtesy of Palm Paunch):

Except bigger. And not melmac. :wink:

It's edges are squared off and it has a blue border.

[ Edited by: Kono on 2004-07-25 07:39 ]

Satan's Sin posted on 07/25/2004

Kono --

If no room for the rug on the floor, why not hang it on the wall? Such things can be done.

TNTiki posted on 07/25/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:57 ]

Danno posted on 07/25/2004

Tray, Lava Lamp, mug, plastic glass, eraser board, napkins, and proceeded to get drunk.

Kono posted on 07/26/2004

Oh, by the way, I guess I should've mentioned that the rug was not with the tiki stuff, it was with the rugs. Sorry for any inconvienence this might have caused. :oops:

TNTiki posted on 07/26/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:57 ]

Unkle John posted on 07/26/2004

I should have mentioned something about the tiki items being scattered all over the store. But then again, it's the thrill of the hunt, right?

DaneTiki posted on 07/26/2004

I can't believe I missed this thread! I went to a Targét Boutique on Saturday and saw all the tiki stuff, and was shocked. Anyhow, I concur that the hula girl line is distinct from the tiki line. The hula girl stuff was already on final clearance, while the tiki stuff had just come on sale.

[ Edited by: DaneTiki 2009-08-30 19:06 ]

tikivixen posted on 07/26/2004

I am longing for the Tiki Lounge Open/Closed sign, but everywhere I go they are out! One employee even seemed to think they'd never had them.


Snort, I LIKED the Tiki Tock clock. I'm so lowbrow. :wink:

Also, I could not resist the little beige napkins with PINK tiki mugs on them...

pink-lovin' tikivixen

stuff-o-rama posted on 07/27/2004

I saw three of the tiki light boxes left in the store in Santa Maria, CA. Maybe a phone call to them is in order? (805) 922-9904. The light boxes come with 4 different slide-in signs, so even if it says "Study Lounge" it has the others stuffed inside. The 4 signs are "Happy Hour," "Study Lounge," "Open for Business" and "Tiki Lounge"

I noticed too that they used Shag's fonts from House Industries. I got mine on sale for a mere 5 simoleons...

TikiGardener posted on 07/31/2004

And The Tiki At Target items finally make it on EBAY!!!




It took just a little longer than I thought.

And who is the enterprising Huntington beach resident? A TCer? Last time I looked this stuff was still at my local Target.


docwoods posted on 07/31/2004

Criminy!And twice the price at the store-opportunist.

Formikahini posted on 07/31/2004


The guy wants $35 for the tiki lava lamp, and $18 to ship it.

It costs $15 at Target.

now where are my car keys.....

Satan's Sin posted on 08/01/2004

Again with the "shag" in the product description line ... that really frosts me!

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