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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

What's Your Biggest Unsubstantiated Fear?

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I'd tell you mine, but I'm afraid to...

(sorry about this thread, it's just that I thought 'Beyond Tiki' was looking a bit lonely)

I'll bite:

I am worried that one day, you are just going to SNAP and shove a large Tiki up someone's left nostril!!!

I am also afraid, very afraid of the DMV!

That 2 hour line with all those stinky, dirty people is like a horror movie (and I ain;t talking about the customers, but the people who work behind the counter). I have deep fear of some of the comb-over haircuts these people wear...and I am worried that I too may one day look like that!

On 2004-07-29 13:38, Dack Sambo wrote:
I am worried that one day, you are just going to SNAP and shove a large Tiki up someone's left nostril!!!



smell like cabbage... small hands...

Satan's Sin lives in continual fear that Mrs. Satan's Sin will discover his secret apartment!


That Walgreen's has made an offer for the Mai Kai.

My fear is that y'all will find out that I'M REALLY A MAN!






clowns with raisins up their noses

oh and wolf spiders in the house


running over a skunk with my truck....

I think John Belushi can say it best for me.(audio mp3)

  1. That there IS a God.

  2. That I'll be found out.

  3. That I could screw something up somehow and either kill one of my kids or not be there to prevent them from being killed.

  4. That I'm not immortal.

Not necessarily in that order.

although, come to think of it ... that's pretty substantiated!

thanks for this hilarious pic, suburban pagan!


My biggest fear is political.....so I will not say.


Hehe, I was walking down the sidewalk past a local mime when some crazy guy goes singing and skipping by, the mime says to me,

"And I thought "I" was weird!"

I'm 35 and have no clue what the hell I'm gonna do with my life.

But someone once said, "some of the most interesting 40 year olds you'll ever meet are the ones still trying to figure out what the hell they are gonna do with their life."

So I got That goin for me......which is kinda nice.

Oh yeah, and snakes.


I directed a short film about a cult of mimes who... ah never mind.

I'm ascared of Hollandaise sause.


I've never really cared for spiders with teeth, and "Return of the King" only hightened my fear. That old Shelob gave me the heebie geebies.


Getting bitten by a shark. After seeing those photos from the "Creatures of the deep" thread, well, I got lots more to worry about.

you've already said too much...move to France (yes, this is a joke)

On 2004-07-29 15:41, donhonyc wrote:
My biggest fear is political.....so I will not say.

I have a substantiated fear of people who think that Thomas Kincaide is "a great artist."

My UNsubstantiated (irrational) fear is of uncurtained windows at night - something being able to see or "get" me. I have frequent nightmares about this; where I"m only safe if I can find a hidden corner where I can't be seen from outside through the windows.

Oddly, I've never been stalked nor have ever illegally grown any illegal substances at home - so I have no idea where this fear comes from.


Is anyone watching "Penn and Teller's Bullshit!" on Showtime?

In the show they debunk popular beliefs and myths using science and expert testimony. In a recent show they covered irrational fears. I think the most outlandish fear they covered was "mad cow" disease. In a nutshell, there have only been a handful of cases worldwide in the last 30 years of the strain that affects humans, and not a shred of evidence that any of the victims got it from eating beef from cattle that had "mad cow". Even if you were to obtain beef from a diseased animal (which is extremely unlikely) you can't get the disease from eating it.

Other shows covered new-age cults (a hilarious episode), beauty treatments, recycling, love, animal rights, and the drug war.

On 2004-07-30 12:33, thejab wrote:
Is anyone watching "Penn and Teller's Bullshit!" on Showtime?

In the show they debunk popular beliefs and myths using science and expert testimony.

This sounds a lot like "Mythbusters" on the Discovery Channel. Bring it on!

Ordering at drive-thru windows. I'm not kidding, I'm on my VERY BEST behavior when talking to those things because of what they can do to your food if they sense the SLIGHTEST LITTLE SLIVER of sarcasm - I mean, even if you don't mean it...it...it's just that, I never mean to stutter or cough or clear my throat... it just happens....or....or..."what did they think when I said that?"..."should I repeat the order?"..."if I do, will they think that I think that they are stupid?"... I just don't know quite, how...what the....FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!....but....

Okay, just settle down.

Take a deep breath.

Don't worry, Sam.

See, it's alright, isn't it?


I also have the fear that one day, due to all our excessive habits, the great well of Rum will finally run dry. We'll only be let with empty bottles and empty dreams. :(

On 2004-07-30 13:32, Sam Gambino wrote:
Ordering at drive-thru windows. I'm not kidding, I'm on my VERY BEST behavior when talking to those things because of what they can do to your food if they sense the SLIGHTEST LITTLE SLIVER of sarcasm - I mean, even if you don't mean it...it...it's just that, I never mean to stutter or cough or clear my throat... it just happens....or....or..."what did they think when I said that?"..."should I repeat the order?"..."if I do, will they think that I think that they are stupid?"... I just don't know quite, how...what the....FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!....but....

Don't ever read Tony Bourdaine's "Kitchen Confidential" or the book "Fast Food Nation" - those will only increase your fear.

Following cement trucks ... eventhough my husband has explained to me very reasonably why it is a ridiculous fear.



horror vacui

I'm afraid I have not a single clue what "horror vacui" means.


the Time Cube.

Insert Dunh Dunh Dunh music here!

Hey...this dude is whack, man!
I thought a cube has 8 corners??? 'Course, what do I know, I'm just a dumbass word animal and evil doer....think this guy has issues???

Thanks, Turbogod, because of you I now have another irrational fear. I think it's called '2-D cubophobia'...the fear of four cornered cubes.

[ Edited by: Bamboo Dude on 2004-07-31 05:40 ]

[ Edited by: bamboo dude on 2004-07-31 09:10 ]

[ Edited by: Bamboo Dude on 2004-07-31 09:11 ]

That Jimmy Buffet will have a number one album.
...wait...OH NO!

Horror Vacui is one of my favourite terms, literally meaning "fear of vacuum", or fear of empty space. It is used for artists that are obsessed with covering every inch of canvas (or a space) with detail (or Tikis!).

Basically, good Tiki bars are fine examples of Horror Vacui.

BigBro...'horror vacui' IS quite a fascinating phrase. Now one of may faves, and another phobia...the list continues to grow...
:tiki: :tiki: :tiki: :tiki: :tiki:
:tiki: :tiki: :tiki: :tiki:
:tiki: :tiki: :tiki: :tiki: :tiki:


Satan's Sin contemplates the Horror Vacui between himself and Yonder Island Babe.


[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:10 ]

still lit cigarette butts thrown out of the car in front of you on the road.


My compliments to Bigbrotiki and TNTiki.

I am afraid someday I will snap and unleash an unholy fury on the galaxy.
Also that weird bugs are nibblin' on my brain when I am sleeping.
And that y'all think I make stupid post.


the fear of not compleating this sen.... ****


The woods - i'd prefer to be lost in the South Side of Chicago than be wandering in some forest

The wife is afraid of clowns and 'little people'

pablus posted on Sun, Aug 1, 2004 8:31 AM


Wait - I've met him so that's pretty much substantiated fear.

Ummmm... they'll stop making falernum.

That someone I'm talking to will have a slither of saliva stuck between there upper and lower teeth and while they are talking the saliva vibrates and moves but doesn't break.

Wao Nahele Kalepa Kumula'au Hale

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader on 2004-08-02 14:35 ]


snails and their evil bretheren the slugs.

that they'll jump up, or slither over to me..and... ew.. touch me. squick

i dont even like looking at photos.


Dogbytes wrote I dont even like looking at photos.
Then don't look at these.

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2004-08-01 16:54 ]


have i mentioned lately that i hate you?


ps: my husband came a runnin' when he heard me wail..
hate you. and snails. damn you all..

I fear that Big Brother Bong started this thread in order to know precisely what our "Room 101" fear is.
My biggest fear, which is NOT unsubstantiated, is that a flying roach will land on me. And that it will crunch. They are big, airborn, and crunchy 'round these parts.

Poisonous spiders? No prob.
Venomous vipers? Cool.

I am outta there.

Oh, and it is BULLSHT that there is a difference between roaches and "palmetto bugs" or "waterbugs." They are all f**ing ROACHES.


TIKI: Now, more than ever

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2004-08-01 21:05 ]

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