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Politiki Presidential Tiki Mugs

Pages: 1 4 replies

johntiki posted on 10/14/2002

It was just my luck but when the MD/DC/VA contingent ventured to the Politiki Saturday night, I had my heart set on getting a Jimmy Carter mug - they of course only had in stock the 2 I already owned...Hey but some of the crew were able to score a couple Reagan mugs - they are super rare and sell for about $250 on Ebay!!!


Here's the link for those who may be interested...


Just Cool!!


Greetings to all from The Pi Yi Lenai in luxurious Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2002-10-13 21:55 ]

Turbogod posted on 10/14/2002

Thanks for getting the info.

midnite posted on 10/14/2002

Muchos Gracias John/Juan!

That's the Tiki spirit in action, thanks for the info on how to get the Politiki mugs. I have always wanted FDR and Tricky Dick, but never figured I would be able to afford them, seeing they go for $200+ on Ebay, har har!

I do believe you have just exponentially increased their business for the mugs.


jtiki posted on 10/14/2002

You know, I've sold a few on Ebay and never gotten anywhere near $200. Guess I'll have to dig out my spares and see what the market will bear.

midnite posted on 10/14/2002

Hiya jtiki,
The sarcasm button is not working here today, but we are being a bit witty with the prices mentioned. There is a peculiar seller on Ebay that often lists Reagan's mug and offers it with a "buy now" for $250. He keeps a reserve on it as well, Lord knows its amount, and has yet to sell the item to my knowledge.

The other president Tiki mugs I have seen attract some good bidding, maybe $40-60 if I recall. Just nowhere near $250, ever. One never knows what can happen on Ebay, strangeness like the infamous $300 "rare" Mai-Kai mug.


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